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Where formerly we could only see through the rear window, now we can also include the side windows thus obtaining truer reality and a better conception of the speed of the vehicle. Those scenes which include the driver are a natural composition for CinemaScope films. In those cases where the background screen has to be larger than is possible with rear projection, the "traveling matte" method is used. In the former case, the plates are made without the CinemaScope lens.

One of the contributing assets of the CinemaScope picture is stereophonic sound. This has done much to add a new quality of reality to the screen, and is capable of further imaginative treatment to realize its fullest possibilities.

The public has come to recognize the improvement in sound quality and naturalness and there is considerable evidence that they like the new effect created by the surround loudspeakers. The seven-or-eight major producers using stereophonic magnetic prints in CinemaScope pictures have taken cognizance of the public's wishes and are making greater use of the surround effects in recent pictures. The use of stereophonic sound does not create any hardship in production.

In studio practice, three small microphones are spaced laterally at the end of the usual sound boom. The spacing is varied according to the nature of the scene and the microphone positions are easily manipulated as required by camera movement or to maintain intelligibility. Sensible effort is always applied to get original stereophonic recordings. When this is impossible, or impracticable, stereophonic post-dubbing is used to replace the dialogue of scenes which are good for picture but unacceptable for sound.

Theatre attendance has been recaptured since the advent of CinemaScope pictures, and the producer has the opportunity to present his stories in a fresh and exciting medium through this modern technique.

Now that practically all of the first-class theatres of the United States and Europe have been equipped for CinemaScope films, they have become standard and there is no longer any reason to doubt that they are, here to stay or that other competitive methods will supersede them.

You are viewing pages 12 & 13

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