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While Paramount introduced VistaVision with White Christmas, the second feature was designed as a showcase for the potential of the process, Anthony Mann's Strategic Air Command, appropriately starring James Stewart who, in real life, reached the rank of Brigadier General in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. Stewart was no Sean Penn.

Strategic Air Command was the first film to have a fairly wide distribution in the new 8-perforation horizontal format. Whether in conventional four-perf or large format 8-perf, the film inspired all sorts of promotion for its theatrical engagements. The Air Force recruiting poster at left was just one of many tie-ins with the Air Force and the Strategic Air Command. Seen below are photos of more typical T&A Hollywood style ballyhoo. And to think that there are blue-noses who consider the Museum's usherettes to be pornographic.

Paramount placed a six page ad in The Hollywood Reporter and other trade papers advertising the world premiere of Strategic Air Command in horizontal VistaVision, it included a two page spread on the film and its presentation in the Stanley-Warner Beverly Hills Theatre. Below is the front page of the promo.

Click the link to view the two page spread. (1151x768 pixels, 116kb.)

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