For reasons which will be disclosed further on in this manual, the SUPER PANATAR is mounted on the face of the projector head and independent of the projector's lens. As will be seen, Panavision, Inc., provides an aceptance bracket for the SUPER PANATAR which will adapt it to standard models of the following projectors: Simplex, Motiograph, Century, RCA, Brenkert, and others.
In most cases, the mounting of the SUPER PANATAR will require nothing more than drilling two holes in the face of the projector head. In certain installations, modifications will be necessary such as removing the front shutter and shifting the position of the focusing knob. Only in the case of extremely old equipment may it prove necessary to make extensive alterations or to replace the equipment entirely. Consult with your regional dealer in this regard.

Concerning the objective lens of the projector, two important factors must be kept in mind. First, that in most installations a much larger screen area will have to be illuminated by the projector. Therefore, in order to maintain proper screen brilliance and definition, it is highly advisable to use only fast, precision-ground, coated objective lenses. In the final analysis, the performance of the SUPER PANATAR can be no better than that of the objective lens with which it is used. The second point is in regard to the focal length of the objective lens. By referring to the chart on page eight, it will be seen that most installations will require a longer focal length lens than those used for conventional 1.33 to 1.0 projection.
A brief mention is made at this point regarding an extremely useful feature of the SUPER PANATAR. It may be found that an objective lens of the exact focal length necessary to fill the screen is not obtainable. However, tests have shown that by adjusting the prisms of the SUPER PANATAR (see section 5E) , the projected image can be "squeezed" or "unsqueezed" by as much as 5% without noticeable distortion. This makes it possible for the projectionist to obtain just the right amount of bleedoff on the screen edges, assuming that his objective lens brings him within proper range.

It is the purpose of this heading only to remind the purchaser of the SUPER PANATAR that certain modifications in sprocket and idler wheels are required for the projection of anamorphosed film. Information on this subject can be obtained either from your film distributor or theater supply house.

Here again specifications for proper aperture size should be obtained from the distributor or theater supply. Of course, the conventional means of iminating keystoning may be employed.

Several manufacturers produce sound heads necessary for the presentation of anamorphosed film. Information on this topic may be obtained from the sources mentioned above.



It may be found that the projection port is too narrow to pass the widened beam of light from the projector. This, of course, depends on the dimensions of the port and the position of the projector in relation to it. The simplest solution of this problem may be found in moving the projector closer to the port. Otherwise, it will be necessary to enlarge the port.

Although formulae can be provided by Panavision, Inc., for the purpose of computing the minimum width and height requirements, the surest method of increasing port size adequately is to project through the SUPER PANATAR before any alterations are made. Simply note the pattern of light thrown upon the projection booth wall and enlarge the port accordingly, taking into consideration the wall thickness.

By the same token that it is imperative to use only the finest objective lens in connection with the SUPER PANATAR, it is quite important that only the best grade of glass be used in the projection port. The glass should be water-white, optically flawless, coated, and should be treated with the same care as a lens. If these precautions are not taken, the port glass can introduce loss of definition, loss of light transmission, and a detrimental change of color in the projected image. As a service to its customers, and in the interest of assuring maximum results with the SUPER PANATAR, Panavision, Inc., will supply port glass which meets the above specifications. Prices for various dimensions of glass will be furnished upon request.


Since all anamorphotic systems require the use of considerably larger screens, it is very important to choose a screen of high reflectance. Panavision, Inc., has found that the new lenticulated screens, such as the Magnaglo Astrolite, provide an exceedingly brilliant picture and distribute the light evenly to every seat in the theater.



When a projector is placed in a theater so that its beam of light falls on a curved screen at an oblique angle, an extremely disconcerting distortion results. Specifically, horizontal lines in the image sag noticeably from one edge of the screen to the other. This distortion of horizontal lines cannot be seen from the projection booth, but it is quite apparent from the main floor, and becomes more pronounced as the angle between the screen and the projector increases.

The SUPER PANATAR is capable of correcting horizontal line distortion, as will be discussed in the following section.


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