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An attempt has been made to discuss objectively some of the features, characteristics, and phenomena of the Cinerama camera. In the system there are some drawbacks, as well as advantages, which tax the cameraman's ingenuity, but which, if understood, allow him to go far beyond anything he has done in conventional cinematography. It is hoped that most of the points of difference between the conventional camera and the Cinerama camera have been at least mentioned here if not comparatively discussed. None of this should be construed to mean that any or all of the features or phenomena of the Cinerama camera be used or avoided at all times but rather they should be analyzed, understood, and used within the pattern of common sense and good taste. The only criteria by which the features, good or bad, of the Cinerama camera can be judged is, - Does it give the desired artistic, dramatic, or cinematic effect, without obvious or universal distraction?

It is admitted that this system has problems and drawbacks that might prevent the cameraman from shooting some scenes with ease but like other liabilities in motion pictures these, too, can be used to heighten the interest, suspense, mood, and tempo of the film if they are understood and used judiciously. For the cameraman who knows, understands, and uses

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